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Backgrounds to the logo

Aktualisiert: 28. Juni 2022

You're wondering why my logo is the way it is?

First: Why the color "orange"? Orange stands for joie de vivre, curiosity and creativity - things that suit me personally. The color combines the warmth of red with the radiance of yellow. Orange stands for life and the lightness of being. It is mood-enhancing, stimulating and symbolizes strength, happiness and youth. In its dark nuances, orange tones have an earthy effect. Fits!

Second, why does "Consulting" follow "Coaching" in the company name? Quite simply: This expresses my credo, to coach as often as possible in the interaction with my customers and to "only" advise as much as necessary. This credo is closely linked to my view of other people, see the next point.

Third: What is the purpose of the acorn in the @ sign? There are different ways of seeing other people: We can see other people as empty glasses or as acorns. The acorn has stored all the information it needs to become an impressive big oak tree. Unlike the empty water glass, the acorn has nothing to add. Everything is there. As a coach I can only give time and space for growth, nothing more!

And last but not least: The @ sign is intended to express my intention to increasingly offer job search coaching services digitally. For example, you can easily arrange a free introductory meeting with me without having to call me first. Book it here!

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