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"Every employed person's dream job!"

Aktualisiert: 28. Juni 2022

"Every employed person's dream job!" - that is my vision. You can find out what I do for this in my blog post

"Goal - Mission - Vision: What I do to lead you to success".

However, "dream job" also implies a certain amount of happiness. And that's exactly what this article is about: what makes happiness in general? Which factors in particular influence the perceived happiness at work?

What constitutes happiness

Richard Layard identified the following 7 happiness factors (listed alphabetically):

  1. Community and friends

  2. Family relationships

  3. Financial situation

  4. Health

  5. Personal freedom

  6. Personal values

  7. Work

Job characteristics associated with happiness

In its research project “Happiness at Work”, the London School of Economics (De Neve & Ward, 2017) addressed the question of what constitutes satisfying work. They concluded that the following factors influence perceived happiness (listed alphabetically):

  • Control over work(ing conditions)

  • Good opportunities for promotion

  • High variety in work

  • Support from co-workers

  • Wages

  • Work-life balance

Why am I telling this? And what does all this have to do with my vision? Well: If my vision "Every employed person's dream job!" is ever to become reality, it is essential that I not only deal with the happiness factors, but also anchor this knowledge in my services in such a way that the result will be a noticeably "happier work" for you.

How do I do this? From my perspective, the following three aspects are crucial:

1) I recommend that at the beginning of your reorientiation, you start with an assessment of your professional personality. Your personality traits are recorded with a scientifically based inventory. This is important so that we both get an idea of how important each of the above happiness factors is.

2) Based on the results of the professional career assessment, I take the time to precisely define your desired professional future: In doing so, I put the question "What do you want?" at the center. Because primarily, you should be clear about what you want and act accordingly. You'll be happier with your life if you draw a positive balance between the two questions "What do I want?" and "What do I have/can I do?".

3) Cognitive happiness, life satisfaction, is controllable because it requires a balanced evaluation of our life. Now you're probably wondering how you can evaluate your life more positively? Quite simply: the solution orientation is firmly anchored in my company DNA. And you'll see: It's contagious.

Convinced? Not quite yet? Either way, I look forward to hearing from you!

Picture credits: <a href=''>Flower photo created by wirestock -</a>

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